Temporary Staffing

We provide solutions for contract, part time, and casual opportunities.

Temporary shouldn't mean 'ordinary'

Baker believes that temporary roles are just as important as permanent ones. In an increasingly casualised labour market, we pay special attention to the quality of our temporary candidates.


Diverse Skill Sets

We collect candidates to fill temporary staffing roles based on the needs and vacancies of our clients; as a consequence, we have access to candidates with incredibly varied skill sets.


Sector Differentiation

We find candidates within the full range of real estate and property job sectors, so that you can access a larger number of candidates as compared to seeking a candidate on your own.


Excellence Only

Many temporary employees will become permanent on the basis of their performance, so we never settle for anything less than premium candidates: they're better for your business, which makes them better for ours too.


Geographic Specialisation

Our recruitment process is specific to our location. Thanks to our pool of 22,000+ candidates, we have an excellent diversity of candidates within Sydney.


Candidate Relations

Many of our temporary candidates are employed seasonally or cyclically, which means that we’ve been able to maintain an ongoing relationship with them over several years of successful work.


Frictionless Integration

Fast and efficient onboarding is necessary to foster the interest of temporary candidates. That’s why we pride ourselves on our seamless ability to connect temporary candidates with interested clients.

Baker Recruitment can take you there.

Years of experience in the industry, an extensive network of candidates, and a proven passion for professional service; Baker Recruitment are waiting to work with you.

Years of Experience
Linkedin Connection
Database Candidates

Looking to fill a role?

With our team of experts, we can find the perfect candidate for your company.